So I basically got pwned in history and in English. I had 10% confidence in my answers for the history quiz, and -37% for the Joy Luck Club test. My mind went blank on who the characters were (hard to memorize because all the characters have stereotypical Chinese names and personalities), so I had to skip the character identification sections (20 questions) and go head to the multiple choice questions, fishing out the answers in questions' wording for the answers I skipped.
After those exams, I went to math class and sulked (ferrealz). And I didn't even get credit for my math homework. The time passed fast, and before I knew it was already lunchtime.
I had Spanish and then biology right after. Those were okay. Slept in Spanish, tried my best to stay awake during the few boring parts of bio class.
But the highlight of my day was after school, during Robotics's Halloween Night. Jon, Sam, and I volunteered to be guides at the maze, leading people in and watching their faces explode when they saw Ian as a red-eyed monster.
To be honest, the first time I went through I was really scared. There was this guy dressed in this freaky suit + jigsaw mask combination, who sat perfectly still on a table while people touched him and tried to determine if he was real or not.
When they'd move in close to inspect his mask, he'd slowly twist his head over. And when they'd figure it was just a prop and walk away, he'd get up stealthily and grasp their shoulders. It was a pro act, so I high-fived him. When I was done with my shift, I went back to the lab and helped my team add finishing touches for our vex bot for the competition tomorrow, until my next shift as a monster.
I was ten minutes late, so I ran into the maze and was given a biggie prisoner costume and this ridiculously gay mask. I was told to run and hide so people wouldn't see me while I changed, so I ran to the nearest tarp opening. Unfortunately (LOL!), there were a bunch of black people horsin around. sO I wAs aLL lEiK, "EY YO, IMA COP DIS SPOT RITE QUIK 2 CHANGE" sO I M aLL rUsHn MySeLf 2 cHanGe, butt LeIk I tRiPd oN dIs 1 hO and I 8 iT nd FeLL oUtTa da TaRp. Da StRoBe LiGhtS wErE gEtTn aLl hYpHy and sHizZle, iT was ALL sTaNkY and FoGgY, mA wRiSt hUrT cuZ I FeLL oN iT, aNd da bLacK PPL wErE aLL cHucklin @ me. I was so confused, I felt like throwing up.
After all of that, I went back to the lab to check on my team. I ended up fastening two pieces of vex bumper rails to my arm and a small wheel to my hand as a mini Arc Reactor TO BE IRON MAN! until German yelled at me for wasting zip ties. But it was so cool! I had this missile system, that let me shoot rubberbands super accurately. Thuan and I had dope rubberband firefights.
This took me forever.
So basically, it was really late. My team cleaned up and we all went home.
I'm glad I finally got to just hang out. Appreciate the drawing. I worked on it for quite a while and now I'm too tired to elaborate on what else happened :\ Please
haha the crap that you tied to your arm is awesome
that's actually pretty cool
i would juss go out and buy the zip ties
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